9-11 Never Forget
September 11, 2014

A Life Member who was here that day remembers. "What else can be said about today? In my 22 years of service with the Fire Department, it was the worst thing I've ever woken up to....no call, no fire, accident or anything can be worse than Dudley kicking my bunk and telling me to "get my *** out of bed, the whole ******* world is on fire...." and sliding the pole in time to see the second plane hit...when those buildings came down, it was the first time I'd seen grown men weep for people we didn't know....there wasn't an available seat at Clinton that day, and fortunately, we didn't turn much of a wheel...but we all felt like truly part of a family, there was no career or volunteer, no black, no white or no male or female...13 years later, it still feels raw...but we all have each other. Never Forget it..."