Hands Only CPR - It Works!
June 1, 2016

Be the Difference for Someone You Love
If you are called on to give CPR in an emergency, you will most likely be trying to save the life of someone you love: a child, a spouse, a parent or a friend. 70 percent of out-of-hospital cardiac arrests happen in homes and residential settings. Unfortunately, only about 39% of people who experience an out-of-hospital cardiac arrest get the immediate help that they need before professional help arrives. Hands-Only CPR has been shown to be as effective as conventional CPR for cardiac arrest at home, at work or in public. It can double or even triple a victim’s chance of survival.

Music Can Save Lives
Hands-Only CPR has just two easy steps: If you see a teen or adult suddenly collapse, (1) Call 9-1-1; and (2) Push hard and fast in the center of the chest to the beat of the disco song “Stayin’ Alive.” People feel more confident performing Hands-Only CPR and are more likely to remember the correct rate when trained to the beat of a familiar song. During CPR, you should push on the chest at a rate of at least 100 compressions per minute. The beat of “Stayin’ Alive” is a perfect match for this.

Take 60 Seconds to Learn How to Save a Life
Watch the 60-second demo video. Visit heart.org/handsonlycpr to watch the Hands-Only CPR instructional
video and share it with the important people in your life. You can also find a CPR class near you.

NOTE: The AHA still recommends CPR with compressions and breaths for infants and children and victims of drowning, drug overdose, or people who collapse due to breathing problems.